Monday, August 10, 2009

4th meeting: Self Respect

When I look back at my positive traits, I just feel happy about it. I realize that I am very blessed because I have these positive traits that other people don't have and I am very about that. That is because it is very nice to have traits that you can be proud of, traits that show who really a person is.

"Do unto others as you would have others do unto you"

When I gave a wrong answer in a recitation, I would like to be treated as a student and not as a lawyer for I am here to learn.

When I am expressing my opinion during class or group discussion, I would like to be respected like everyone else.

And when I also give my suggestions during group work or presentation, I would like to be respected also.

And if I commit mistakes, please forgive me and give me another chance to do better, because everyone deserve another chance.

When I don't like doing the things you ask me to do, please respect my decision.

And when you want to give your opinions or comments to me, then I will respect whatever comments you have for me, and that is because I respect others, and that is my what my parents taught me, my values.

And as long as I am here at Malayan College Laguna, I will treat everyone as a friend, and as their friend, I will respect them no matter what status they have. Everyone is equall and I do believe in that.

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