Thursday, August 20, 2009

6th meeting: The Challenge part I

The challenge I took was to get a high score is a quiz or a seatwork, And I am very proud at myself because I am able to beat the challenge given to me. I feel very happy about it because I really did well in the quiz. I learned from that experience that to take a challenge for yourself is good, because it help you to stay focus, and to be on the game, and to be good at it.

"Inconvenient Truth"
The most striking scene in the movie is when I heard the truths that are happening in our planet. I was shocked in what I had discovered, like the melting of the polar caps. In my opinion if that continue to happen in our planet, water level will greatly rise, thus, sinking our country deep down with the fishes and other ocean creatures. And so I create my own law, a law that will protect our Mother Earth from Global Warming. It is because if this continue to happen, our planet will be the same as Venus, a planet that is hotter than mercury, a planet of hell.

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