Thursday, August 20, 2009

10 Meetings: Peer Pressure

After me and my classmate got a grade of 74 in computer subject during our sad highschool days, they invite me to drink beer. And as a mature highschool student that time, I refused. Even they said many things about me, I don't feel guilty in what I had decided. It is because I did something that is good for me, something that is a proof of maturity and the choices that a good person will do in such case. I learned from that experience that it is ok to say no sometimes to your friend. If they get mad at you or something because you did not do what they wanted you to do, then they are not your true friends. True friends are there to support you and to guide you in the right path, a path that will lead you to greatness.

To my sectionmates Versiglia batch 2008-2009!

"The only easy day was yesterday"

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