Thursday, August 20, 2009

10 Meetings: Peer Pressure

After me and my classmate got a grade of 74 in computer subject during our sad highschool days, they invite me to drink beer. And as a mature highschool student that time, I refused. Even they said many things about me, I don't feel guilty in what I had decided. It is because I did something that is good for me, something that is a proof of maturity and the choices that a good person will do in such case. I learned from that experience that it is ok to say no sometimes to your friend. If they get mad at you or something because you did not do what they wanted you to do, then they are not your true friends. True friends are there to support you and to guide you in the right path, a path that will lead you to greatness.

To my sectionmates Versiglia batch 2008-2009!

"The only easy day was yesterday"

9th Meeting: Being Responsible

A responsible person for me, is a person that is willing to take his responsibilities with excellence, virtue, and quality. There are many responsibilities in our home. First, I need to take care of my sister, Second is to obey my parents, and last is to bring our family more closer together, providing laughter for everyone, each member of my family. In school, my responsibilities is to study well and to do good not only with the subjects, but also to do good in creating bonds with each other. In my community, I must be responsible in my own surroundings, by maintaining peace and cleanliness not only to our community, but the country as well.

Emmill Ramilo for President

8th Meeting: Another Challenge part II

The Challenge I took was to avoid cheating for one whole week, and it is very hard to control myself. I am able to beat the challenge because conscience always strike me when I tried to look at the answer of my seatmate. I feel happy and shocked at the same time. I am happy because I accomplished a challenge that is very challenging to me so I feel relieved after taking the challenge. I feel shocked because I am really not expecting that I can do the challenge. I learned from that experienxe that cheating is a very bad practice, because it helps you to be a dependent person. And in my own point of view, dependent persons are suckers, losers, stupid thieves. haha Im just joking around! (peace to my batchmates!)

7th Meeting: My Health

When I saw my result of my personal health assesment I was happy. I got a good result but Im not exempted having some bad sides in the result. So I plan to maintain what is good for me, and to avoid the things that are bad to my health. I have a posibility to have a diabetes, so I avoid taking so much sweets that will destroy my beautiful teeth. I eat to mush salty foods that can cause me to have UTI, so I also avoid it. I know the bad cause of drinking alcohol, taking cigarretes, and taking drugs are very bad to my health. So I say NO NO NO GO AWAY to these things,thus, making me more healtier, more alive, more me.

6th meeting: The Challenge part I

The challenge I took was to get a high score is a quiz or a seatwork, And I am very proud at myself because I am able to beat the challenge given to me. I feel very happy about it because I really did well in the quiz. I learned from that experience that to take a challenge for yourself is good, because it help you to stay focus, and to be on the game, and to be good at it.

"Inconvenient Truth"
The most striking scene in the movie is when I heard the truths that are happening in our planet. I was shocked in what I had discovered, like the melting of the polar caps. In my opinion if that continue to happen in our planet, water level will greatly rise, thus, sinking our country deep down with the fishes and other ocean creatures. And so I create my own law, a law that will protect our Mother Earth from Global Warming. It is because if this continue to happen, our planet will be the same as Venus, a planet that is hotter than mercury, a planet of hell.

5th Meeting: Accomplishments

After many years of hard training, months of determination, days of hardwork, I finally accomplished the sport I really like, and that is futbol. I am one of the thousands of players who love to play this game but I consider my self a unique player. And that is because playing futbol is not only a sport for me, but it is considered as one of my passions. I really love to play this sport and that is because of the training. The training that will almost beat you halfway from death. And I really love to suffer from pain from this sport. Why? It is because everytime I stumble down, I always try to get up, to do better, and to be the best among the best. And that is my dream.

So I train myself so I can be better, and so I can be stronger and more determined. I remember playing at my previous school when I was a highschool student, our section's team won the finals on the futsal competition of our school. The secret was not only being physically fit, but also the most important thing is the cooperation of every member of the team. That is my secret of becoming the best.

Monday, August 10, 2009

4th meeting: Self Respect

When I look back at my positive traits, I just feel happy about it. I realize that I am very blessed because I have these positive traits that other people don't have and I am very about that. That is because it is very nice to have traits that you can be proud of, traits that show who really a person is.

"Do unto others as you would have others do unto you"

When I gave a wrong answer in a recitation, I would like to be treated as a student and not as a lawyer for I am here to learn.

When I am expressing my opinion during class or group discussion, I would like to be respected like everyone else.

And when I also give my suggestions during group work or presentation, I would like to be respected also.

And if I commit mistakes, please forgive me and give me another chance to do better, because everyone deserve another chance.

When I don't like doing the things you ask me to do, please respect my decision.

And when you want to give your opinions or comments to me, then I will respect whatever comments you have for me, and that is because I respect others, and that is my what my parents taught me, my values.

And as long as I am here at Malayan College Laguna, I will treat everyone as a friend, and as their friend, I will respect them no matter what status they have. Everyone is equall and I do believe in that.