Tuesday, July 28, 2009

2nd Meeting

My first week of stay at MCl was very interesting. I met different friends, different faces, a complete different world whn I was highschool. I met my professors in different subject and they are very good in teaching and explaining what there subject is all about. College life is completely different and I know that it will be harder and more tougher, and I will be challenged and do what is best to excell.

About my professors....
I think they were all the same. I think that they were my enemy, that they were there to stop me and pull me so I can't achieve my goal. But that was my first impression to them. As time pass by, I realize that they were my friends my teachers, my inspiration that will keep me going and keep me striving for my own dreams.

About my courses...
Oh they were very hard! Especially our course which teach us the basic fundamentals of drawing. I find it quite challenging and it push me to my limits. I find Values Education a very nice subject. A subject were you can rest after the hard battle of drawing and math. It is a very nice subject were you can be happy and were you can express youre emotions freely even in tagalog. hahaha!

About my blockmates...
They were truly amazing and each one of them are very unique. They are are my true friends which I can trust, which I can have good times and bad times. The strength of our block is that we have unity. We have good times with each other and we find each one important as ourselves which is a very nice thing our section have. Our weakness is from inside, our own self. Some of us find studying very boring, even me I have that attitude. But we have to overcome this because this attitude will bring us down slowly but surely. So my comment to my blockmates is that to strive hard and do what it takes to be the best. Mabuhay ang B02 yeah!!

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