Monday, June 22, 2009

1st journal entry

1. How does Values Education work to your adantage?

Values education helped me to know who I am and what are the positive and negative traits I have. I distinguised which is right, and which is wrong. And I know that Values Education is not only teaching us what is right but rather giving us examples that we can use in future. Thus Values Education is very important.

2. After you have processed your first few experiences at MCL, in what way this will help you achieve sucessful adjustment in college?

My first experiences at MCL helped me to adjust and set goals for my future. At first it was hard to follow and cope up because there are many requirements needed to pass the course. So I set my goals and I have make a new motto "Im here to learn and Im not afraid to fail". Those experiences really helped me to adjust.

3. My Common Personal Values

> Adventure
> Competition
> Concern for others
> Continuos improvement
> Discovery
> Excellence
> Hardwork
> Love
> Power
> Skill and Speed

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